Self-Love Reminders

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These reminders are taken from the SUPER cute graphic above (which is kinda blurry; sorry!) You know I can’t leave anything alone, so I’m going to add a little extra “flavor” to these statements. 😜. The original statement is 🧡 and my commentary is 🔸. As always, take what makes sense and leave the rest…


🧡 You don’t need to please everyone.

🔸You CAN’T directly please ANYone. Human experience is created from the inside-out. Feelings of pleasure are only created from the ever-changing dance of sensation and perception moving through an individual’s own body-mind. What is “pleasing” in one moment may not be “pleasing” in the next, depending upon countless subconscious and conscious factors. That being said, it feels better to be kind most of the time, so that’s what usually happens. ☺️

🧡 It’s OK to be a work in progress.

🔸”Progress” really only exists in concept, therefore, its definition is quite pliable and subjective. Not only is it OK to be “in progress”, there is no other way to be. Life is constantly “progressing” us forward, whether we’re OK with it or not.

🧡 You are strong and valuable.

🔸 From my perspective, this applies to every single human being on earth. Strength and resilience are woven into the fabric of being human. “Value” is another entirely subjective concept, and it doesn’t make much sense to me to apply it to people. It seems to me that if one was to attempt to project this on to a human being, value/worth would be a birthrite.

🧡 Your true colors are beautiful.

🔸Authenticity helps people feel more connected to one another. I want to see YOU. I want you to see ME. I want to learn about you. I want to see how we’re exactly alike, and I want to celebrate how we appear to be different. I am always seeking resonance with Truth. ☺️

🧡 It’s OK to have bad days.

🔸In reality, there’s no such thing as a bad day. There is whatever arises and then a whole lot of interpretive mental narration and some passing sensations about it. No event or happening is inherently “bad,” but as we live in the feeling of our own thinking, it certainly is experienced that way! Negative feelings are not wrong; they’re there to be felt, and to remind us we’re likely getting a bit caught up in identification with that interpretive story.

🧡 Talk to yourself with kindness.

🔸 Researchers have studied compassion and have discovered that it is innate to humans (and many animals!). Much like any inherent quality, though, it can either be nurtured or hindered. You are naturally capable of kindness and compassion toward yourself, even if your mind’s habitual narration about you is harsh and critical. Believing unkind self-talk is only ever detrimental. It does not produce lasting contentment or motivation. So, shine a light on that critical storyteller and blind it with kindness. 😘

❓Do you have a self-love reminder to add? I'd love to hear yours in the comments below!

Credit to mindfulofdreams for the adorable image.