This, Too, Is Passing...

You're likely familiar with the phrase "This, too, shall pass." Or George Harrison's version of the same sentiment, "All Things Must Pass" (which is a phenomenal album, by the way). But it seems to me those wordings are missing a crucial part of where that concept is pointing...

Whatever you are experiencing right now isn't going to pass at some future time. It is actively passing. Experience moves in a constant, ceaseless flow. By the time we are consciously aware of anything, it is already in the past. Any words you have ever spoken have not expressed the current moment; right now is too close and too quick to have words wrapped around it. RIGHT NOW is immediate and unspeakable. RIGHT NOW is slippery and elusive.

When you find yourself in an experience that has been labeled as "negative" and there is some narrative or feeling that you want what is happening to go away, please see the simple truth that it already is. All experience goes away. All thoughts, feelings, and behaviors change in every moment, even the ones that seem horribly repetitive and stable. Look very carefully at this. Notice the simple, direct truth of impermanence that is the flow of Life. And then go listen to some George Harrison!